Mob Mentality (Achievement Nudge about a Stepping Away from the Herd)

Last Updated on January 21, 2025 by Bill Truby
“But, everyone else is doing it!” A phrase used by teenagers, people who want to excuse their behavior, AND…your subconscious mind. The problem? You may not know your mind is thinking like this.
Achieve a Fresh Look in Life by Stepping Away from the Herd
Scientists have been studying group behavior for years. It started with the study of animals – herds of cattle, flocks of sheep or schools of fish. Then, scientists noticed that humans displayed group behavior too, and called it “herd behavior.” They also saw that in more intense times, such as emergency evacuations or riots, we practice a more disastrous form of group behavior called “mob behavior.”
Herd behavior can easily be seen all around us. We go to a crowded restaurant because our subconscious mind reasons, “If everyone else is going there, it must be good.” We enter the crowded herd on Black Friday to get the deals everyone else is getting. And we’ll rush to see what everyone else is looking at, even sticking with the herd after asking a person we sidle up to, “What’s everyone looking at?” and he responds, “I don’t know!”
You may be saying right now, “I’d never fall victim to THAT!” Don’t think so? Consider this:
Have you ever said, “Well, you can’t have your cake and eat it too!” or maybe described someone by saying, “They were walking back and forth in their room,” or maybe even gave someone the poetic compliment Bette Midler made popular, “You are the wind beneath my wings?” If you’ve said any of these words, you are a victim of herd behavior. Why do I say that? Because each statement is woefully incorrect, so you MUST be saying it just because others say it. Here’s what I mean.
You certainly CAN have your cake and eat it too, but you can’t eat your cake and have it too. A person can only walk back if they’ve walked “forth” first. And the wind beneath the wings is what drags the bird or the plane to the ground. It’s the wind that flows OVER the top of the wing that gives the plane lift and makes it fly. If a bird said to another bird, “you are the wind beneath my wings,” the second bird would be hurt and outraged, “How dare you accuse me of dragging you down!”
What else might be a part of herd behavior? How about how we run our businesses, or plan our time, or spend money or what we say to virtually everyone we come in contact with? (“How are you?” “I’m fine!”) All of this may be seasoned with herd mentality and herd behavior. What can you do about it?
First, observe what you say and do, then challenge the reason for it. If you think it might be caused by herd behavior, try stepping away from that herd. Amble out to another pasture. Chew on some different grass (…not that kind!!!). Try doing and seeing things from a different perspective. When you do, you might find a different way of looking at things, a different way to interact with others, a different way to get something done. But best of all, you’ll be in control of YOU and not be swayed by the herd.
You can also have some fun by exposing herd behavior. The next time you ask someone, “How are you?” and they say, “Fine,” genuinely respond with, “How come?” You’ll get a moment of stunned silence and a weird sideways look. But THEN, because you’ve broken the “herd-code of greeting another cow,” you’ll get a meaningful, genuine response that’s not dictated by the herd.
This article is part of our ongoing Achievement Nudge series—short, witty, and often inspirational articles to spark your personal and professional growth. Explore more nudges on our blog, or sign up for our weekly Nudge and News email. Each edition includes an Achievement Nudge plus leadership, professional development, and personal growth videos and articles to keep you inspired and on track.

Bill Truby
Founder and President of Truby Achievements