Party with a Purpose (Truby Tip for Team Celebrations)

Last Updated on September 30, 2024 by Bill Truby
Want to party with a purpose? Celebrate team achievements with a four-step process: fun, appreciation, learning, and sharing knowledge. This approach not only boosts morale but also helps the team grow and improve with each celebration.
Video Transcript
How would you like to party with a purpose?
We have a four-stage, a four-part process for celebration when a team achieves something that is meaningful, that is, actually improving the team as you celebrate.
The four steps whenever you find an achievement you want to celebrate, are these:
First, the party factor. That’s important. People like to have fun.
Secondly, appreciation. Show people, acknowledge people, have people acknowledge other people and appreciate what they brought to the achievement.
And then learning. What went well, what didn’t go well. Repeat your successes, but don’t repeat your mistakes. And then
transfer that knowledge to other people in the company, other people in the industry, that can benefit from your learning.
Those 4 pieces to a successful and meaningful celebration have been magical in moving the team forward, improving the team, and giving people something to look forward to when you have meaningful celebrations.
When you party with a purpose.

Bill Truby
Founder and President of Truby Achievements