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Five Leadership Traits

Bill Truby conducted a two-year study on what makes for a successful leader. Observation, interviews, reading, and research led him to discover five traits, or characteristics, ALL successful leaders possess.

These five traits include how a leader thinks, and what a leader does. Skills that make for a confident and powerful leader. Plus, these foundational attributes are critical for building a high-performing team, and to run a thriving business.

The teaching in this tutorial is designed to be revealing of the “what” and not go into the details as to “how” to learn or manifest these traits. It is important, however, to determine whether you, as a leader, possess these traits. Lacking even one will limit your effectiveness.

And remember this; often we are the last to know about our abilities. The self-assessments listed on the tutorial page, as well as other tutorials (such as Finding Blind Spots) will be valuable tools to determine your level of leadership effectiveness. At the end of the day, a leader’s effectiveness is not determined by what the leader thinks; it is determined by what the team thinks, as well as their abilities to function as a high-performing team.

Duration – 5:14

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