Successful Delegation Tool and Training

How To Get Your Team to Follow-Through  Consistently and Reliably

Improve Your Delegation Skills in 10 Minutes

Do you find yourself Asking . . .


Where are my deliverables? Your LATE!


Why am I not getting what I asked for?


Why do I have to redo what I asked YOU to do – AGAIN?

For leaders and managers, delegation is not a luxury – it is a requirement. You can’t do everything yourself.

If you find yourself relating to this…the problem is not your team. It’s YOU. Why? Because only YOU can control the delegation process.

But don’t worry, we have SOLVED this problem! Read on…

We can help you IMMEDIATELY make a change and achieve 100% follow-through from your team. Our simple, powerful Delegation Flow Chart, proven successful for decades, will quickly teach you:


How to increase “ownership” with a twist in how you delegate responsibility.


Four reasons for a lack of follow-through and how to quickly fix each.


Communication tools to find the REAL reason a person is having difficulty with the delegation process.

But Don’t Just Take Our Word For It…

Here’s What Other Leaders Are Saying


Senior Leader, Marketing Agency

The Delegation Flow Chart has taught me how to delegate. And it works. Before, I didn’t delegate because it was just easier to do it myself. But that made me work harder than I wanted to. Now, it’s easy, and I can relax knowing I’ll get follow-through.”


Owner, Hardware/Building Supply Stores

The Delegation Flow Chart is an eye-opener.   I’ve taken delegation for granted most of my life.  I discovered how easy it can be plus the positive way it works for me and people around me.


Owner, Geotechnical Training Company

bill truby standing outside - founder of truby achievements, a leading provider of personal and professional development tools

Meet Bill Truby, Our Training Expert

CEO and Founder of Truby Achievements

Bill Truby, M.A. MFCC, is a psychology and business-trained consultant, speaker, author, and educator whose focus is on improving the quality of human fulfillment and performance in organizations. His clients include architectural, engineering and related design profession firms; manufacturing companies, dental and medical offices, hospitals, wineries, insurance companies, schools, churches, health clubs; and various product, service, and sales organizations.

Bill’s work includes consulting for goal setting, team building, strategic planning, management transition; and training in leadership, communications, sales, delegation, motivation, and other organizational skills. Truby Achievements has now taken their experience working one-on-one with businesses of all sizes and created an online version of their proven business system to help even more people.

Truby is a popular speaker and workshop leader for the American Society of Landscape Architects, the Professional Services Management Association, the American Society of Association Executives, the Society of Architectural Administrators, California Association of Hospital Admission Managers, and the American Institute of Architects.

He has worked extensively throughout the United States as well as Australia, Singapore, Thailand, and Hong Kong. Bill has a Master’s Degree in Psychology and has been teaching personal, interpersonal, and organizational success strategies for the past 30 years.