Quiz Results

You’re an Air Traffic Control (ATC)

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What Does This Mean?

The “organization” is an entity in and of itself. There is no dependence on a leader for success. There is a clear structure, excellent information flow, and efficiency systems that work well regardless of who the Air Traffic Control (ATC) or pilots are. People fill roles – roles are not determined by people. Indeed, EVERY pilot has a clear role and specific responsibilities. And each work in an interdependent team dynamic for the good of the whole.

The ATC serves to facilitate, lead, guide, take requests and assess them based on the good of the whole, and get everyone safely to reach their achievement. That way, the entire organization consistently reaches a massive number of small goals, all working together toward the entire organization’s goal – safe landings.

What Kind of Leader Is This?

You are a servant leader/manager.

This type of business owner “serves up” everything necessary to equip every other leader and team member with skills, tools, and systems to have collective, collaborative, abundant success.

Unlike the other three types of leaders, people interact with a leadership role as compared to a person. And, the expectations, function, and interaction of the business leader are clearly defined – as is the same for every other role in the business.

How Is This Affecting You and Your Business?

People like coming to work and leaders are able to function without spending a lot of time putting out fires. Everyone knows their role and work expectations, as well as what systems to employ, and the business runs like clockwork.

In this type of business, there is low turnover, high morale, and significant efficiency in productivity and profitability. High-performing teamwork results in synergy, allowing people to truly do more with less.

The one danger for this type of business is to take for granted the smooth operations and stellar outcomes. The business may decline over time if there isn’t the presence of a continuous improvement mindset.

Congratulations on being an Air-Traffic-Controller leader!

Your style and interaction are undoubtedly causing great success in your team and your company. But, there is always room for growth.

If you want to improve your leadership skills and take your team or company to the next level, check your email for an invitation to watch our free training that introduces you to the Truby Business Success Model – the secret to how 1000s of Business Owners, Leaders, and Managers are working LESS and succeeding MORE.

You’ll see a proven framework of training we’ve used to fix problem companies and teams – AND take successful ones to even greater success.

What Are The Other Three Types of Leaders?

Octopus Leader

As the leader of your business, you are acting like an octopus. And your employees/team members are acting as working arms or extensions of the head (you).

In truth, in a real octopus, there are neurons in the tentacles. But their entire “mindset” is to serve the head. And, if one of the staff members (aka tentacles) is severed, the head can grow another one, almost exactly like the previous one.

Cattle Dog Leader

Each of the cattle in the herd makes an individual contribution, and even tend to band together in one “team” – however, their direction is not clear. They need some force to drive them otherwise they would be content to eat the grass where they stand.

Enter – the cattle dogs. They are very efficient at getting the herd to collectively move in a desired direction, but they do so by nipping at everyone’s heals.

Shepherd Leader

After gaining the trust of the sheep herd, the shepherd walks in front, leading the sheep in the desired direction. There is peace. The sheep are banded together and support each other. The shepherd sets the pace, the direction, provides what the sheep need to feel fulfilled, and protects them from danger.

It is a pleasant existence, but there is no power to be assertive, to be competitive, or aggressively reach goals. And, if the shepherd isn’t there, the sheep scatter. The business completely depends on the leader’s presence and leadership.

This quiz is primarily for fun and not based on a scientific process. However, after multiple decades of interactions with leaders, we think you’ll find the results quite accurate. AND, it’s fun to compare notes with other leaders to see if you are talking to an Octopus, Cattle Dog, Shepherd, or Air Traffic Controller.