Bill Truby

Speaking Engagements

Engaging… Inspiring… Business-Changing

Speaker Reel

Looking for a  Different Speaker for your Conference, Business Meeting, Virtual Event, or Podcast?

Bill brings the background of common-sense learning (being raised on a cattle ranch), a B.A. in Theology, an M.A. in Psychology, the experience of a MFT (Marriage and Family Therapist), AND nearly 30 years of business practice to the table.

These multiple perspectives and backgrounds synergize to bring amazingly simple, yet powerful tools to leaders and managers – tools that have been proven over and over for nearly four decades.

Your audience will walk away with immediate lessons learned they can implement to improve their businesses, their teams, AND their personal life. 

Is Bill Qualified? Most definitely, Yes!

Bill has been speaking since he was in his late teens. Even at that age, he had a natural ability to captivate an audience, and engage them with meaningful content. Over the past many decades, he has been a sought after speaker for associations, large companies, events and multi-disciplined gatherings.

Whether his audience is 50 people in a hotel ballroom or five to six thousand people in a large auditorium, Bill is not only comfortable, but the reviews of his effectiveness are stellar. He is entertaining, motivational, and educational. Audiences walk away having laughed AND learned.

He has spoken in a one to two hour format, and has a special skill in keeping people engaged and motivated…all day! It is not unusual for a participant to say, “That 8 hours flew by. It felt like 30 minutes.”

Additionally, Bill tailors his presentation to your audience’s perspectives, skill level, and vocabulary. He has been successful speaking to a multi-hundred audience of healthcare professionals and has put on his boots and jeans to speak with hardcore construction workers. He truly can connect and communicate a message for any group of people.

Signature Topics

recording a podcast - speaking engagements by bill truby, truby achievements
image of Bill Truby pointing at a chair - featured image for the power in the chair tutorial from Truby Achievements
Ethics, Integrity, and You (2-Part Series)

Though there is often a regulatory requirement to have “Ethics Training,” we have found that reviewing the laws and HR policies regarding ethics has limited impact – thus limited value. In fact, “ethics” is the moral compass one uses to live life, engage in relationships, and lead teams (or companies). It is not rooted in regulatory rules.

Further, mandating certain ethical behaviors hasn’t seemed to be sustainable. People go through the motions but end up following the ethics laws like one does the speed limit – “It’s ok to break the speed limit as long as I keep watching for cops.”

More sustainable and fulfilling outcomes regarding this “regulation” are to learn how to BE ethical rather than follow “rules of ethics.” That’s what this training emphasizes.

Part 1: How “Ethics” Define and Confine Corporate Culture

Learn how leaders leverage ethics to create a vibrant corporate culture

Ethics are a part of the very soul of an organization…indeed, of a person. They provide the moral compass, the belief systems, and the permissible (as well as impermissible) behavior that is a part of the company’s identity. The ethics embedded into the culture can make for an attractive, fulfilling and sustainable business – or can do quite the opposite if not crafted or defined well.

The attendees will learn:

  • How ethics emerge into existence – both in you and your consulting company or agency
  • How faulty (or ill-defined) ethics can erode your corporate culture
  • How three, well-proven ethics can result in amazingly efficient and motivational behavior

This training will help attendees see how ethics is more than a continuing education requirement. Rather it is an integral part of leadership success that you can apply to any facet of life.

Part 2: Putting Ethics into Practice

How successful leaders use ethics to develop…or discipline…team members

Since ethics are at the very heart and soul of every company and regulatory agency, they consciously (or subconsciously) drive every leadership interaction and behavior.

If a leader is not aware of these powerful, but hidden, ethics, at best, he or she cannot leverage their power. At worst, that leader will be at odds with the underlying ethics of the company and create weak outcomes, a lack of alignment in staff, and general dissatisfaction in the morale of the team. At the very least, identifying our ethical beliefs reveals the “why” in our actions.

Attendees will learn:

  • The “why” in the Truby team/business development model, and how being connected to the “why” maximizes the outcomes
  • How to use embedded ethics in a discipline process that reaps astounding results (and makes it easier to deal with those low performers)
  • How to have better teamwork AND company growth by defining, expressing and amplifying ethics

This training will help attendees see how ethics is more than a continuing education requirement. Rather it is an integral part of leadership success that can apply to any facet of life.


Truby Business Success Model - How Successful Business Owners Eliminate People Problems, Maximize Profit, and Attract More Customers

At the least, our Business Success Model builds high-performing, accountable, and energized teams. At the most, it becomes a business model that propels the business to sustainable growth and success. What’s our secret sauce? It’s the secret of the “how.”

This model has power – not because it asks you to do more things, different things, or overlay some new “program” onto your already busy day. Instead, it shows you how to do what you are already doing…differently. Better. With more successful results. Results that save you time, money, and stress.

Bill Truby will reveal everything a business owner, leader or manager needs to focus on to make a quick and powerful improvement in the business. And one of the best parts about this approach is something that’s embedded in “the secret of the how” – namely, it doesn’t take any additional time. In fact, it typically takes LESS time than what you are already doing.

How is this possible? Simple. If you are delegating, for example, and you’re not following the natural laws surrounding the process of delegation, then it takes a lot of time, YOUR time, to check up on things, redo things, re-delegate it, or just plain worry about it until it’s done. Changing HOW you delegate eliminates all of that.

And this is true in ALL aspects of your business. The Truby Business Success Model shows you how to take a proven EFFECTIVE approach to every “people and process” issue you have in your company. And in so doing, get quick and sustainable results!

Metaphorically, our clients say using our model is like this – They were pushing on a door to success regarding…delegation, strategic planning, more productivity or profit, low performers, conflict…you name it. For a long time, they were pushing, and pushing, and pushing – and the door to success, and it wouldn’t open. Then we come along, tap them on the shoulder, and point to a sign that says, “pull.” Changing HOW they did what they did gave INSTANT success. Easier. Quicker. And with lasting results. That is what this presentation is all about.

Power in the Chair: The Hidden (and Often Unknown) Power in the Leadership Role

For decades, the world has focused on building better leaders. Why? Because “nothing trickles up.” As goes the leaders, so goes the company. That fact is undeniable.

Most people don’t realize the unintended consequences they create by not understanding “the power in the chair.” This presentation motivates and inspires the audience to understand the impact they have on others as a leader. And…quite frankly… this topic often stuns the listeners.

Understanding the hidden power in the leadership role, helps your audience maximize their leadership potential, and prevent unintended negative consequences.

Top Takeaways:

  • Understand the hidden power in your role – that can leverage your influence, or damage it if you aren’t aware of this power.
  • Learn the simple ways to motivate and engage people using the power in the leadership role.
  • Find out how to maximize your influence, and even be more respected when you treat people as a leader.
Personality Clashes? Learn How to Spot Four Personality Types and Best Interact with Each

At the heart of every interaction is communication. The quality of that communication dictates the quality of the relationship – be it in your personal life, or your professional life.

But successful communication goes beyond the learnings you have heard before (such as the 3 components of communication) and is also impacted by the personality type of both the communicator and the listener.

Learn how to ensure healthier communications, and therefore relationships, in all walks of life.

Top Takeaways:

  • Find out why people have personality clashes – at work AND at home.
  • Understand how different personality types, or temperaments, can be extremely difficult.
  • Learn a quick and easy solution to gain rapport, communicate with, and effectively interact with ANY personality type.
Critical Tips for Leading Your Business in a Crisis

For overwhelmed leaders trying to take care of their business and teams during stressful times (or any other business crisis), how they act, and interact with their team, has a massive impact both during the threat and after.

After working with hundreds of leaders over the last 40 years during their own business crises and recently supporting a healthcare facility with over 80 locations during the Covid Pandemic, learn more about how to lead in a crisis.

Top Takeaways:

  • Learn about the top 10 tips to leverage your leadership into a positive impact during a crisis.
  • Start implementing a simple three-step process to deal with change and help those around you.
  • Find out about the hidden power of leadership that you may not be aware of.

Custom Topics

Looking for something more unique or custom for your audience?

Bill has spent 30 years developing custom presentations and training based on a client’s particular needs. If it’s a business or leadership topic, Bill can talk about it!

Contact us for additional topics such as the following (and so many more):

Team Structure & Management

Stress Management

Staff/Team Issues (aka People Problems)

Discovering Your Purpose

Breaking Habits

Self-Esteem and Confidence

Live a Balanced Life

Trust & Accountability

Leadership versus Management


Testimonials and Experience

Bill Truby has conducted a wide variety of excellent organizational and personal development seminars for hospitals throughout the Catholic Healthcare West system. His expertise and communication skill has been of immense value to our organization. He is a riveting speaker and is an expert at tailoring his presentations to the particular audience he is addressing. I highly recommend his services.

Steve Sibilsky

Principal & Director of Communications, Sibilsky & Associates

One of Bill’s excellent skills is his ability to quickly assess his audience and tailor his speeches to be relevant and provide suggestions that are immediately implementable. He is a dynamic speaker who keeps his audiences’ interest.

Joan Underwood

Practice Lead, BSI Services and Solutions

Bill Truby has the talent and creativity to offer practical information in a humorous manner. Bill brings his heartfelt compassion and understanding for people to all he does.

I have had the pleasure of hearing him speak in larger groups as well as more intimate settings. He is natural. He tells stories that stick. He is spontaneous. He uses his intuition to address his audience. He is inspiring. He keeps the energy in the room alive while being authentic. He encourages audience participation and even interactive exercises or games to illustrate a point!

Joy Clarissa Taylor

Private Business Owner

Acquiring personal fulfillment is a significant achievement that cannot typically be obtained alone. Bill Truby specializes in helping people achieve personal fulfillment by balancing their desired outcomes with his experienced perspective resulting in greater expected results. Bill’s keen ability to identify an individuals or a groups attributes enables him to address people in a powerful and effective manner. I recommend Bill as a speaker based on his aforementioned gift, but also because of this superb delivery in clearly explaining ideas, telling stories, and teaching personal and professional skills.

Dan Kelleher, MSc, PG

Owner, Midwest Geosciences Group

Additional Clients

Though Bill has conducted thousands of speaking engagements within the companies he has worked with, with hundreds of attendees in a session, he also has been a sought after speaker for companies needing someone to teach and motivate their leaders and staff.

Following are just a few:

logo carnival cruise lines - client of truby achievements for speaking engagements
asla logo - american society of landscape architects - a client of truby achievements
Building Owners and Managers Association logo -  client of truby achievements for speaking engagements
transamerica logo - client of truby achievements for speaking engagements

Association of California Nurse Leaders, American Institute of Architects, AORN (Association of periOperative RNs), College of the Siskiyous, Contra Costa Regional Medical Center, County of Siskiyou, Grand Jury of Siskiyou County, Heritage Singers, Merced County Human Services Agency, Mt. Shasta Chamber of Commerce, Physician’s Health Partnership, Riverside County, Solano Mental Health, and many more.

Podcasts / Speaking Examples

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