
Personality Type Assessment

The Key to Effective Communication and Meaningful Relationships

What if I want to learn more?

This is just one small tool in the Truby Management System, a proven program to build high-performing teams and grow your business.

About this Personality Type Assessment

What makes understanding your personality type important?

Every person is born with a personality type. We call it a “language.” Four temperaments make up a person’s personality type. Each person is born with a mix of all four, but the one, two or three that are stronger in a person, create that person’s specific “language.”

The problem is, the differences in perspective and behavior of each temperament language, and each temperament mix, can cause difficulties in a team. A team leader understands that there are no right or wrong languages, and places no judgment on a person’s personality type.

Our default mindset, however, tends to think others should talk OUR language and see “it” the way we do. A wise leader, however, understands that the best language to speak, is the language of the other person.

In fact, learning how the different temperament languages interact creates a clear understanding of why certain people don’t get along with others, how to solve communication difficulties, even how to better delegate or deal with conflict.

Take this free personality test to learn what YOUR language is.

A wise leader practices speaking ALL the languages and can connect with anyone.

Start the Personality Type Self-Assessment

There are 86 statements in this tool. Be honest as you evaluate each statement. Think of the content in each statement as YOU see yourself; not how you think others view you. At the end of each statement is a check box for True or False. Answer "True" if the entire statement applies to you - or MOSTLY applies to you. Answer "False" if part of the statement does not apply to you, or if the entire statement MOSTLY does not apply to you.

To receive your results, you will need to provide an email address.


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1. My friends would consider me to be tactful and quite diplomatic.
2. I wouldn’t say anything out loud, but sometimes I only help someone half-heartedly because deep down I believe there is a better way.
3. I succeed when others may fail, primarily because I keep pushing when they get discouraged or quit.
4. I move and speak slowly and calmly.
5. On many days, I get my feelings hurt.
6. I have a tendency to think gloomy or depressive thoughts.
7. It’s common to get the compliment that I am a “born leader” because of my influence with others.
8. I don’t make friends very easily.
9. I can get annoyed by some people’s enthusiasm and even needle them sometimes.
10. My nature is somewhat defensive and can be touchy.
11. I usually prefer activities that I can do alone, such as reading, than to activities with a lot of others.
12. The term “easygoing” describes me nicely.
13. I am calm, relaxed and rather unemotional.
14. I can put up with frustrations without getting depressed or angry.
15. When other people ignore me, or avoid me in some way, it makes me feel bad.
16. I see myself as a cheerful person and quite sociable.
17. At my core, I'm always defending myself from criticism.
18. I am introspective and tend to mull over the events of the past, sometimes over and over again.
19. I typically don’t have a loss for words.
20. If something needs to be done, I can be counted on to do it, regardless of how unpleasant it is.