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Tutorials are individual videos with associated resources. They can be used for standalone learning or as part of larger skillsets.

Truby Management System Revealed

This is THE core training of Truby Achievements. Follow this Management System, and you will build a high-performing team, plus reap abundant success in your business.
Duration - 1:06:18

Truby Management System Business Management Core Training Duration - over 15 minutes
Communication and Personality Types

The inherent difficulties in communication and how personality differences create relationship problems. Learn what personality type you are and how to get along with others.
Duration - 52:41

Communication Core Training Duration - over 15 minutes Personality
Power in the Chair

When you understand the hidden power in the leadership role, it helps you maximize your leadership potential, and prevent unintended negative consequences.
Duration - 9:41

Duration - 8-10 minutes
Quick Start – What to Expect with your Membership

Quick start to the Truby Achievements Membership from our founder, Bill Truby.
Duration - 3:37

Core Training
Contract of Expectations

A Contract of Expectations (COE) is the king of agreements. It has single-handedly transformed teams and entire businesses.
Duration - 11:19

Accountability Core Training Duration - 10-15 minutes
Who Gets to Be a Leader

You don’t have to be born a leader to be a good one. This tutorial speaks to how leaders LEARN to lead.
Duration - 2:52

Duration - under 3 minutes
Introduction to the Truby Business Success Model

Learn to align your resources and energy with a proven Business Success Model. This model leads to success AND avoids wasting energy or diverting focus.
Duration - 24:46

Communication Core Training Duration - over 15 minutes Truby Management System
TMS Step 8: Using Continuous Improvement to Lead a Team

How to Have Continuous Improvement in a Team - Learn four ways to easily lead your team to have continuous improvement.
Duration - 3:42.

Core Training Duration - 3-5 minutes Truby Management System
TMS Step 8: Using Continuous Improvement to Lead a Company

How a Company Grows with an Improvement Mindset - As go the leaders, so goes the company. In this training, learn how to make continuous improvement and innovation a “safe” practice – thus encouraging and maximizing the synergy of your teams.
Duration - 5:45

Core Training Duration - 5-8 minutes Truby Management System
TMS Step 8: Using Continuous Improvement to Lead with Influence

How to Influence Improvement in Those Around You - Stagnation is the first sign of decline. This training will show you how to use simple techniques to improve, grow and thus be sustainable – in relationships, teams and entire companies.
Duration - 4:14

Core Training Duration - 5-8 minutes Truby Management System
TMS Step 7: Using Systems to Lead a Company

How Systems Can Increase Productivity & Profitability - This training has done wonders in creating smoother operations, not wasting resources and increasing the productivity and profitability of the company.
Duration - 4:47

Core Training Duration - 3-5 minutes Truby Management System
TMS Step 7: Using Systems to Lead a Team

Creating Efficiency and Smooth Operations with Systems - Teams often get stuck in the way they do things – and often the default systems and processes are not efficient. This training will teach you the four areas where systems need to exist – plus how to create efficient ones to do the job.
Duration - 10:56

Core Training Duration - 10-15 minutes Truby Management System
TMS Step 7: Using Systems to Lead with Influence

How “Systems” are a Part of Our Everyday Life - Learn how to lead those you influence to transform processes into more meaningful, smoother systems.
Duration - 3:16

Core Training Duration - 3-5 minutes Truby Management System
TMS Step 6: Using Goals to Lead a Company

Creating a Visionary Strategic Plan - This training explains the basics of developing a “VSP” – Visionary Strategic Plan. The elements of this tool have been used to create a strategic plan for small companies as well as multi-million-dollar companies.
Duration - 8:19

Core Training Duration - 3-5 minutes Truby Management System
TMS Step 6: Using Goals to Lead a Team

If You Don’t Have a Goal – You’re Not a Team - Every team needs something to work toward, somewhere to go, some goal to achieve. In fact, without working together toward a goal, a team is not a team. They are simply a group of people doing a job.
Duration - 7:41

Core Training Duration - 5-8 minutes Truby Management System