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TMS Implementation – Tips and Cautions

Ready to implement the Truby Management System? What could go wrong? Well – we know, and that’s why we created this tutorial. We’ve been down the road already, many times. We’ve seen it all and will help prepare you for what could happen.

The tutorial will give you some valuable tips in implementing the TMS which will help your process go smoothly. However, there are times a leader has a “Troubled Team” – at least that’s what we’ll call it. You may have different words to describe your team. In this case, you need to take a different approach in implementing the TMS. This tutorial will make clear what to do.

Note: This tutorial is designed for senior leaders or business owners. There is another important, more general, introduction that is designed for everyone to watch before implementing the Truby Management System. It’s called, TMS Introduction and Overview.

Duration – 11:48

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