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Dealing with Low Performers

A time waster, common frustration and negative dynamic in virtually all teams is a lack of accountability. Often, team members don’t take initiative, need constant attention, and drain a leader’s energy – just to get them to do the status quo. How do you change this?

The system you will learn in this tutorial is almost magical. It is a proven system that will absolutely eliminate low performance in your team in a very short time. What’s more, this system actually “saves” people.

You see, in “dealing with low performers” you’ll realize the goal is to not eliminate the PEOPLE, but to eliminate the low performance. Often, people step up to the plate and begin performing with accountability when you use this system. But in either case, a low performer decides to leave, or a low performer decides to change their performance, you’ll end up with an outcome that will save you time, strengthen morale, and increase productivity.

Duration – 12:35

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