TMS Step 7: Systems

Learn how to transform your processes into more meaningful, smoother systems.

Core Training Truby Management System
TMS Step 8: Improvement

Stagnation is the first sign of decline. This training will show you how to use simple techniques to improve, grow and thus be sustainable – in relationships, teams, and entire companies.

Core Training Truby Management System
How to Defrag and Reboot

Sometimes you have to put a stop to on-going negative behavior or practices. How do you do that meaningfully with sustainable results? You use the tool of a Defrag and Reboot meeting, explained clearly in this tutorial.
Duration - 6:33

Core Training Duration - 5-8 minutes People Management
TMS Implementation – Tips and Cautions

Learn from experience - 40 years of experience. This tutorial will share with you some tips and cautions about implementing the Truby Management System.
Duration - 11:48

Truby Management System Core Training Duration - 10-15 minutes